Taking The Helm.
ENGAGE is part of the DoT Approach, it is the third element and follows on from the LAB, Fabric of Awareness. It is conducted preferably with previous attendees of the LAB, based on the participants specifically nominated project(s). This is tailored to promote people to support and guide them through project challenges. It’s a random pathway that allows the group to develop its own approach to “wicked” problems.
These complex or “wicked” problems cannot be adequately tackled from the
sphere of individual disciplines, because they are not individual problems, they are interrelated and “intrinsically linked in a meta-system of problems”, and as such cannot be solved in isolation (Rittel et al., 1973; Özbekhan, 1970: 13)University of Technology, UTS.
In this practice all element of the LAB journey are bought to life.
It challenges and provides deeper inquiry to move with the creator and thinking mindset for execution. Applied by the group, thus enabling and promoting steps beyond past ways of doing. ‘The Group Take the Helm’.
Applying the DoT Approach, ENGAGE includes One-to-One mentoring, leadership development and more. *measurement tools can be incorporated into all projects as required. This can include *ISPI, SPI & Archetypes.
The ‘Dot’ integrative framework, sets both aligned and disruptive strategies, whilst strengthening individuals and groups in how they connect creation and thinking when undertaking strategic projects.