The voice from within
The voice from within
Words submerged
Recognition of marks
Marks revealed, it is something, yet struggles to find surface.
Felt yet numbed.
Seen yet blinded.
Covered in layers, layers and layers in a dance to be known.
The voice from within
The voice from within
Words submerged
Recognition of marks
Knowing is felt, not always seen.
This knowing may come as a flash, not immediately grasped.
When known, enough will be seen, the white paper, turns into light.
The voice from within
The voice from within
Words submerged
Recognition of marks
But for now, the dark marks dominate as the wihite paper attempts to shine for all,
in this irony the mark of darkness is pushed to surface.
Then no longer numb or blind, it is felt to be seen.
The voice from within
The voice from within
Words emerge
Marks seen.
Light shines, all is revealed.