The components that make up the DoT Approach:
The Fabric of Awareness LAB: Encourage & Envision
Taking the Helm: Engage
One on One Mentoring
The components that make up the DoT Approach are: Discovery, The Fabric of Awareness LAB: Encourage & Envision & Taking the Helm: Engage.
The DoT Approach is for everyone, everybody, those who are curious, those who wish to shift perspective & learn, for in-house & public cross interest groups, across all industries.
As the world changes and we are being moved into an unfamiliar space, it appears to be moving into a space which at this stage doesn’t have borders or a set path. What we offer is designed to point you to safely go beyond familiarity, to reflect upon thinking and feeling, in order to deal with challenges. It is more likely that we will need to know something else, how to let go and to allow for what is emerging. This could be from our inner knowing, something that may have been lost over generations but now is needed for us to realize and bring into form.
A scan of you, what you do and or your organisation, it’s people and what they do.
The Discovery assist us to to get to know you, you get to learn how you learn and points to your intentions and purpose. The Discovery includes online questionnaires and if an in-house group, it may include on-site observation. The Discovery also includes the ISPI, Innovation Strengths Preference Indicator, taken by each participant online.
You do not have to attend a LAB to take the ISPI we also offer this online. Once you take ISPI Diana will take you through a half hour one to one outcome feedback session.
See ISPI to book the indicator and the sessionThe LAB, ‘Fabric of Awareness, focuses upon Human Integration, is an inquiry to discover values, culture, ideas and drivers influencing your decisions. But mostly it is a way to look at how we see the world, how we work and play.
This practical involvement self directs participants to step beyond past ways of how we may believe we should be and do. Ultimately intended to reveal possibilities that emerge beyond the surface of thinking, enabling you to transition as a creator to further depth where a shift of perspective can occur.
A creative approach
ENGAGE, “Taking the Helm” is the third element and follows on from the ‘Fabric of Awareness’. It is conducted with previous attendees of the LAB, based on a specifically nominated project. This is tailored to engage people, whilst supporting and guiding them through project challenges. It’s a random pathway that relies on the group to integrate as co-creators, working together across disciplines and natural abilities to solve complex problems. It is does not rely upon traditional department structures.
It brings into practice all the elements of the journey undertaken and realised in the LAB, “Fabric of Awareness”.
A deeper inquiryOne-to-one mentoring ‘partner conversations’ is tailored to meet the needs of executive leaders and all participants in our seminars series and immersion LABS. It is based upon the methods and theory of the DoT Approach. Depending on your requirements, we suggest 12, one and half hour sessions.